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Grilled Lobster Sourdough Sandwiches

Last night we quickly came up with this little recipe for grilled lobster sourdough sandwiches.  If you have any questions about this recipe please feel free to contact us.

Okay for this recipe you can use real lobster or imitation lobster.  Of course real lobster will always taste better however for this recipe we used the imitation lobster.  

So what you will need is the following

  • Real or imitation lobster
  • Mayo
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic
  • And of course Whiskey Ridge Spices!

If you are using real lobster go ahead and cook it however you like.  Grilled, boiled, steamed, etc.  Then chop up your freshly cooked lobster (or your imitation lobster) and put it in a bowl.  Then add your mayo, salt, pepper, and garlic.  The amount you add will all determine on your taste.  Add a little bit of each and then taste your mixture.  Remember you can always add more, so start out slow until it taste good.  So your mixture should look something like this


Once you have a your mixture added and it taste the way you want, you are now ready to add your favorite Whiskey Ridge Spice.  For this recipe we used the Whiskey Ridge Spices Chili Pepper.  Now add a little bit, then mix it up and make sure it taste the way you like.  


When you have all of your ingredients mixed in and everything taste good, you are now ready to grill the sandwiches.  Go ahead and butter one side of your sourdough bread.  Then place the butter side down on your griddle.  Add your lobster mix on the sourdough while it is on the griddle.  As soon as you have added your lobster mix to the top of your sourdough bread go ahead and put another piece of sourdough bread on top.  Make sure you butter one side of the bread and place the butter side of the bread facing up.  So it should look like this


Now all you have to do is toast the bread until it is golden brown and your mixture is nice and warm. So when done it should look something like this


To achieve the best golden brown toast make sure you go low and slow.  Don’t crank your griddle up to 400 and quickly toast it.  Go low and slow!

One of the biggest errors that people make when cooking food is they do not add enough spice and they overcook their food.  So add more spice, cook at the appropriate temperature and do not cook too long!

If you have any questions about this recipe please feel free to contact us!

Enjoy Life, Enjoy Spice, and Make It a Great Day!

The Team at Whiskey Ridge Spices