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How to Season

With the middle of summer slowly approaching BBQ season is in full effect! One question many people ask is how much do I season or what do I season? The answer is everything and as much as you'd like. With all food you can use the staple GSP. What's GSP you ask, garlic, salt, and pepper. GSP goes on everything and as to how much, that depends on what you are eating. Typically with meat use enough garlic and pepper to cover the piece of meat. Salt you want enough to taste but not enough to be over powering. However, if you are a chain smoker you might consider covering your meat in salt because the 40 years of smoking has shot your palate and you have no sense of taste except for that sweet, smokey menthol. Whiskey Ridge is another staple spice. A few cranks can add a kick and enhance the flavors of your meal. Whereas, 10-20 cranks will make the average individual's face turn red as they begin to sweat like Kid Rock in church. The individual will try to act as if he or she is tough and finish their food, but with every bite it gets hotter and hotter till they are running to get the milk. Again if you are a chain smoker I would highly recommend 10-20 cranks just so you can have a hint of flavor. Now the question is what do I season? EVERYTHING! Poultry, steaks, seafood, vegetables, blanching water, mashed poato water, pasta water, and anything else you consume! Seasoning your food is extremely important and Whiskey Ridge helps to enhance your everyday meals! Get yours today!